I've been through a lot since 9/11 as an Arab.
share your #FlyingWhileMuslim story
I've got degraded by customs right in front of my ex wife. She's Dutch caucasian. I'm a holder of the Dutch and Tunisian passport. But we were both traveling with our Dutch passports. Hers got back immediately, mine went through an exam, scanner and from A to Z checked. It was humiliating. Like he wasn't convinced I was Dutch. And same thing happens the other way around too. You get treated differently. You'll never be home. It's like a curse. I'm tired you guys..... Please leave me alone. Don't let me write more.
Have you ever received a response or resolution from either an airline, airport or government official regarding the discrimination you experienced? If so, what was the response or the result?
I don't want any response from anyone anymore.
Has the discrimination you've faced made it harder for you to travel? If so, in what ways and at what cost?
I don't want to do anything anymore.
What was your reaction to the No-Fly List leak story? how did it make you feel?
It's disgusting. But not surprising. I've been through a lot since 9/11 as an Arab.