I always get questioned even though I work for an airline.

share your #FlyingWhileMuslim story

I always get flagged by customs and treated like I am a terrorist or bad person. I always get questioned even though I work for an airline and declare I’m traveling on business. Or I’m selected as a SSS for additional “random” screening.

Have you ever received a response or resolution from either an airline, airport or government official regarding the discrimination you experienced? If so, what was the response or the result?


Has the discrimination you've faced made it harder for you to travel? If so, in what ways and at what cost?

No, it’s just annoying that I know I’m being profiled because of my name and nationality.

What was your reaction to the No-Fly List leak story? how did it make you feel?

Very interesting, but not shocked.

Lau BarriosComment