The Street that Sparked a Campaign, Gaza is Palestine

May 16, 2021 changed the lives of three families in Al-Wahda St, Gaza. 

Twenty-two members of the Kawlak family were martyred. 

Fourteen members of the Al-Ouf family were martyred. 

Five members of the Eshkuntana family were martyred. 

This terrible night shook the Al-Wahda street community as they mourned the huge loss of martyred family members, friends, and neighbors. 

Days after the world watched Gaza continue to suffer from Israeli bombardment, amid national and global protests to end the bombardments and block the $735 billion weapons sale,  President Joe Biden moved forward with it. 

We reject our tax dollars to fund the devastation in the Gaza strip. 

We reject the continued protection and lack of accountability against Israel. 

We demand the US stop funding Israel, impose sanction and end the never ending violence against Palestinians. 

Gaza is Palestine, led by Adalah Justice Project and MPower Change serves to influence media, policy and grassroots power to keep the stories of Palestinian families harmed by Israeli state violence alive and in the public eye, shorten the distance between the US and Gaza and hold Israel and those who have a stake in apartheid accountable for their actions. 

To stay involved with the campaign, signup here

The People’s Inquiry included first hand testimony from Gazans who survived May’s bombardment campaign, and expert testimony by Jehad Abu Salim, in understanding Gaza in the current political moment and Annie Shiel, on what accountability looks in US law and the weapons used to inflict death, harm and destruction in Gaza’s neighborhoods. 

You can watch the recording of the People’s Inquiry here.

Together, we can keep the conversation going about Gaza in a proactive manner, and not reactively when bombs are falling. We must continue to stand firm with our demands to end the weapons flow which power’s the Israeli apartheid regime with out tax dollars. 

Visit to learn more about the campaign, check out the testimonies provided, and be informed of ways to connect this campaign with your community.

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