We Renamed Our Digital Zine—An Invitation from MPower Change


We’ve previously acknowledged that the title of our digital zine, #PolicingIsHaram, can be viewed as problematic as the word “Haram” has religious implications. To clarify, MPower Change is not a religious institution that issues religious statements.

Our use of “Haram” was intended to be used in a colloquial context and open up conversation about the role of law enforcement and police in perpetuating anti-Black racism and upholding white supremacy.

After hearing and receiving feedback from our community and MPower members, we understand “Haram” has a very technical and specific definition within the sacred law of the Islamic tradition. It is not our intent to misappropriate aspects of our rich sacred tradition.

In light of this, we have renamed the “Policing Is Haram” zine to “Unrelenting Justice.”

As an organization, our political position on the role of the police in perpetuating violence toward Black communities—as well as their role in upholding white supremacy and capitalism—is clear:

We fully align ourselves with the long, rich lineage of Black abolitionist movements in working toward the abolition of policing, the prison-industrial complex, and all drivers of state violence.

Our religion instructs us to “be relentless in the pursuit of justice.” Everything we do at MPower Change, including this zine, is inspired by a deep, radical commitment to that tradition. In this historic moment, we believe this commitment looks like re-imagining and collectively building a world where our communities don’t rely on violent, white supremacist institutions to seek protection and safety. This means defunding and abolishing the police.

We believe a better world is possible—and that it is our duty to build it together.

We’re grateful to our community for the feedback. We invite you to read the interviews, reflections, and resources we’ve compiled and welcome you to share your thoughts and questions with us at info@mpowerchange.org.

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