“MPower Change’s mobilizing power allows Muslims to own their authentic narrative and makes sure elected officials and the public are paying attention. MPower Change is our community’s megaphone.”
- Isra Chaker, Muslim Activist
Online and in the streets—
Our team of organizers, campaigners, and volunteers relies on people-powered tech to bring the demands of tens of thousands directly to decision makers, wherever they may be.
Follow the Conversation
Launched in January of 2016, we have become the largest Muslim digital advocacy organization in the U.S.
There has never been a better time to create a strong, collective online voice to organize and mobilize millions of Muslims and allies across the country.
Get involved
Is there an instance of oppression in your life or community that could use our member support?
We cannot be spectators to injustice. Help build the social justice movement for Muslims in the U.S.
MPower Change is powered by you, including your financial support. When you chip in, we win.